ACTIONS: Talk about it

We’re seeing the effects of climate change all over the globe, and we need to act decisively. Conversation can inspire action.

  • Start the conversation. Talk about how weird the weather is,about your fears and your hopes. Talk about specific things everyone can do (show them this website!) and about big-picture changes we need to make as a society.
  • Educate yourself. Read trustworthy reporting on climate science. Watch science-based documentaries. Listen to knowledgeable speakers. Visit informative websites such as See the Resources menu on this site for a list of reputable sources for climate news and information.
  • Ask questions and listen. Everyone’s concerns are different. Start a difficult conversation by asking an open-ended question and then listen to the observations, fears, and hopes someone shares with you. Lead with emotions and human connection, and follow up with facts and information about what they can do to help.
  • Practice! If you're uncomfortable talking about climate change, practice with a trusted friend or in a friendly climate-action community such as the Soapbox Project
  • Inspire others. When you make changes, let folks know! You don’t have to shove it in people’s faces, but don’t be shy either. You’re a role model—and you may find out they’re doing incredible things you don’t know about.