ACTIONS: Protest and rally

As we make individual choices and work to keep our communities safe, there are still far too many people invested in the status quo. And the status quo is literally killing us. Sometimes we have to get loud and disruptive to turn things around. There are many opportunities to speak out with others. Most require only that you show up—virtually, through social media, or in person. Some may result in arrest for civil disobedience. Different people have different comfort levels and different risk factors—get involved at whatever level is appropriate for you.

  • Join climate marches and rallies when they occur. If there isn’t one planned in your community the next time a national or global climate march or strike is called, organize one!
  • Join Fridays for the Future, the effort that started with one teenage girl on a school strike to get attention for the need for climate action. Now there are Fridays for the Future groups protesting weekly all over the world.
  • Support Water Protectors, especially indigenous activists who are fighting to keep toxic gas pipelines from defouling their sacred lands and water sources. If you can put your body on the line, join them. If that’s not realistic for you, support them financially and by amplifying their message.