ACTIONS: Advocate

Advocacy means telling people with power what you think they should do. Many of the actions in the Go Further sections on this site suggest supporting specific policies. Usually, that means sending an email or making a phone call to an elected official or the decision-maker in an organization or company.

  • Join local advocacy groups. Most communities have a local chapters of national organizations, as well as groups specifically created to protect your local waterways, forests, parks, farmlands, or vulnerable communities. Get on their mailing lists to learn more about climate issues in your area and how you can get involved. (Choose Resources > Organizations from the menu to see information about local, regional,and national advocacy groups.)
  • Follow the local news to learn about proposed policies and laws that might have an effect on the climate—good or bad.
  • Email, call, or meet in person with local, regional, state, or national elected officials to urge them to take action. It’s often more effective to advocate for or against a specific policy, but they also need to know more generally that you prioritize climate action.