ACTIONS: Elect climate-focused leaders

Elected officials at every level of government can help curb climate emissions and improve resilience to climate change. Though many people vote only in presidential elections, it’s often the local races that have a greater effect on your life and the ability of your community to make effective changes.

  • If you’re eligible, register to vote. If you’ve missed any elections or moved, confirm that your registration is active and accurate.
  • Be an informed voter. Research candidates and learn about the issues in local, regional, state, and national elections.
  • Vote!! Make sure to follow the requirements to ensure your vote counts. If you’re submitting a ballot through the mail or a dropbox, make sure to sign it.
  • Support candidates who have good climate plans, and let all candidates know that you expect climate action to be a high priority.

Go Further

  • Help register voters.
  • Share your priorities and endorsements with friends and family.
  • Support efforts to make voting accessible and fair.