ACTIONS: Prioritize quality

With babies come new furniture, clothes, toys, and gadgets. And as kids grow, they acquire new clothes, beds and desks and beanbag chairs, toys and books, bikes and skateboards and worm farms.

All of that stuff has an effect on emissions. You can reduce the toll on the climate, your budget, and your storage space by approaching purchases and advising gift-givers thoughtfully.

  • Opt for fewer toys, and choose those that are durable, educational, and likely to continue entertaining a child for a long time.
  • Repurpose mundane things that children might use as toys. Remember that little kids are often as happy playing with the box as with its contents.
  • Choose durable clothing that can be altered as the child grows.
  • As your child outgrows something, pass it on. Take on someone’s else’s hand-me-downs instead of buying new. (Bonus: you’ll save money and build community, too.)
  • Look for toys that don’t require batteries or electricity.
  • Join or create local toy and clothing exchanges with other parents.