ACTIONS: Parent—or don't—intentionally

Disposable diapers are a huge source of plastic consumption, requiring fossil fuels and energy, and they end up in landfills, which produce methane. They’re also incredibly expensive.

Cloth diapers are reusable, but require large amounts of water and energy to clean—and if you use a service, they can be just as expensive as disposables.

However you diaper your child, starting potty training early can be good for the child, good for the planet, and good for your wallet.

  • Consider Elimination Communication , a process by which babies and their caregivers communicate so that babies can pee and poop directly into the toilet. You’ll probably still need some diapers, but not as many.
  • Consider cloth diapers. Diaper services are available in most cities and cost about the same as buying disposable diapers. For a less expensive option—albeit with more hassle—you can make or buy and clean your own diapers.
  • If you decide to use disposable diapers, choose a brand that uses recycled or renewable, nontoxic materials.