ACTIONS: Regenerative agriculture

If you manage larger areas of land, you may be able to not only curb emissions but actually draw carbon out of the air. Industrial agriculture has caused many problems for the climate—and significantly reduced the land’s capacity to produce healthy crops. But transforming agricultural techniques can help with climate change, feed more people with more nutritious food, and provide farmers with profit.

A variety of science-based practices including composting, adding biochar, no-till farming, and pasture cropping restore topsoil and the vital healthy soil ecosystems that we rely on while also sequestering carbon. Some of the most effective practices were in use long before pesticides and heavy equipment were developed, and it’s time to return to those practices and accelerate their adoption.

To learn more and help spread the word, check out The Carbon Underground and Regeneration International .

Kiss the Ground—the book and the documentary—provides a great introduction to the importance and the promise of regenerative agriculture.