ACTIONS: Heat and cool efficiently

Generally, you use the highest intensity of energy when you heat something up or cool something down. The biggest thing you heat and cool is the space you live in. Anything you can do to reduce the energy you use to keep your space comfortable is likely to reduce emissions and save you money in utility bills.

  • Use efficient heaters and air conditioners. Mini-split ductless heat pumps are cost-effective and climate-friendly. Radiant heat, active solar heating, and geothermal heat pumps can be great solutions, but even upgrading your current boiler or furnace to an energy-efficient model can save significant energy. Many utilities offer rebates and guidance for installing energy-efficient heating and cooling appliances.
  • Lower the thermostat in winter; raise it in summer. The U.S. Department of Energy suggests setting your thermostat to 68° in the winter and 78° in the summer. Smart thermostats can be programmed to automatically lower the heat or AC when you’re sleeping or away from home.
  • Weatherize your home, and use insulating blinds and curtains. Energy-efficient windows can help keep heat in your home in the winter and out in the summer.