ACTIONS: Cook cleanly

Many notable chefs are touting the superiority of electric induction cooktops over polluting, wasteful gas ranges. For those of us who are just trying to get dinner on the table, a less-expensive electric range is usually fine.

  • Replace natural gas ranges with electric.
  • Use the least energy-intensive methods to cook. Ovens and stovetops require the most energy; microwave ovens, electric kettles, and toaster ovens require less. In the summer or in especially sunny areas, use an easy-to-build solar oven!
  • Keep the freezer and fridge full for more efficient cooling. Crumpled newspaper is an inexpensive and effective way to fill in gaps in the freezer.

Go Further

  • Urge your utility to provide incentives for people to switch from natural gas appliances to electric.
  • Support efforts to ban natural gas in new buildings and transition existing buildings to become all-electric.