ACTIONS: Minimize shipping emissions

Buying goods online is incredibly convenient, but shipping to individual homes can be less efficient than shipping to local stores.

As with most things, there are nuances. It’s more efficient for one delivery truck to travel a route to several homes than for each resident to drive to a store and back. But deliveries are much less efficient for those of us who get to the store on foot, by bike, or using transit.

There are many advantages to buying locally whenever possible. Smaller stores in your area need your business and typically provide better, more attentive service, but even chain stores provide paychecks to local folks. It can also be more satisfying to obtain what you need immediately.

You build connections with community when you patronize local businesses, too, as you see your neighbors and get to know the people who work there. In many small towns, the local Walmart is where neighbors catch up on Saturday mornings!

  • Walk, bike, or take transit to local brick-and-mortar shops—you support local businesses and your local economy, reduce your climate emissions considerably, and get what you want immediately.
  • Resist the urge to have packages shipped overnight unless the need is actually urgent. Usually, you can plan ahead and select ground shipping, which is much more environmentally friendly.

Go Further

  • Tell online retailers that you want ground shipping options.
  • Support Small Business Saturdays and other events to promote small businesses.