ACTIONS: Avoid unnecessary packaging

So much plastic and paper go into packaging that we discard immediately. Whenever feasible, choose products that use less packaging (or none!). Because individual choices aren’t enough, let manufacturers and legislators know that we need to reduce packaging and that any packing materials that are required should be reusable or recyclable.

  • Carry a durable water bottle. Tap water is often higher quality than bottled water, which doesn’t have to pass any test—but check with your local utility to understand the quality of your water. The Tap app is a free app that lets you find sources of free tap water to fill up your water bottle. Many public water fountains include convenient bottle filler stations.
  • Buy food and spices in bulk, using glass jars or other sturdy, reusable containers.
  • Use durable, washable produce bags to reduce the number of single-use plastic bags you use.
  • When possible, carry a small set of cutlery, plate, bowl, and cloth napkin, especially if you’re attending a potluck. Take your own reusable container to a restaurant for leftovers.
  • Find creative alternatives to single-use packaging at zero-waste stores, which are available in most states. Search “zero waste store” online to find options near you.

Go Further

  • Let the stores you patronize know that you want less packaging, especially plastic.