ACTIONS: Invest in the future

Do you have an IRA, 401(K), pension contributions, or any other investments in mutual funds or individual stocks? You can ensure that your money is not going to climate-damaging companies. And you can invest in clean technologies such as solar, wind, and geothermal power projects. As a shareholder, you may also be able to change the practices and policies of companies you’re invested in.

  • Invest in socially responsible funds. Choose funds that screen out investments in fossil fuel projects. As You Sow provides tools to help you assess specific funds.
  • If no socially responsible funds are available through your employer’s retirement funds, let them know that you want better options.
  • Find out where your pension fund is invested. If the fund includes fossil fuel companies, petition the fund managers to divest from them.
  • Actively invest in renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Join with other shareholders to propose and pass resolutions to address company policies and environmental practices. Learn about effective shareholder action from As You Sow, which promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy and innovative legal strategies.
  • Find out whether your socially responsible funds are invested as advertised. As You Sow provides tools to help you assess the funds you’re invested in or considering.

Go Further

  • Let your representatives know that you expect the federal government, including the SEC and Department of Labor, to define and regulate ESG funds. (ESG funds consider environmental, social, and governance factors.)