
Get newsletters delivered to your email inbox to stay on top of climate news, learn about inspiring people, gain from the insights of some great thinkers, and find ways to get involved. The newsletters below are in no particular order, but there's something for just about everyone.

Hot Take Weekly newsletter from Mary Annaïse Heglar and Amy Westervelt. Curated climate content plus media criticism, personal essays, explainer pieces, and more.

Minimal Viable Planet, Sarah Larazovic. An undepressing newsletter about how to fight the climate crisis.

Soapbox Project, Nivi Achanta. Bite-sized climate action.

HEATED, Emily Atkin. A newsletter for people who are pissed off about the climate crisis.

The Weekly Planet, Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic. A guide to living through climate change.

The Crucial Years, Bill McKibben. Working on winning the climate fight.

Gen Dread, Britt Wray. A newsletter about staying sane in the climate and wider ecological crisis.

Volts, David Roberts. A newsletter about the technology, politics, and policy of decarbonization. Twice a week, give or take.

Green Daily Bloomberg GreenA daily guide to the latest climate news.

Treehugger newsletter Treehugger is a sustainability website; sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of the page.

The Snap Forward, Alex Steffen. New thinking on a fast-changing planet.

Climate Beat from Covering Climate Now, Our editors highlight the week’s best climate stories, announce collaborations, and share insights on how best to cover the climate emergency.

That’s Interesting , newsletter from Potential Energy. Our goal with this newsletter is to broadly share what we are learning and, in aggregate, help all of us dramatically accelerate the journey to awaken the world.

For What It's Worth Sign up for their free newsletter to build your confidence as a socially conscious investor in 5 minutes a week.

Hot News, from Climate Nexus, summarizes the most important climate and energy news of the day.

The Phoenix, Eric Holthaus. You were born at just the right time to change everything.

The Science of Fiction A “super-fun” newsletter on how science shapes stories about the future and how stories about the future shape science. Its goal is to highlight the awesome power of science fiction as a tool that can help bring about a better world and frankly, to engage in some rampant science-based speculation about monsters.

Down to Earth from The Guardian. Subscribe to receive an exclusive weekly piece from our top climate crisis correspondents, as well as a digest of the biggest environment stories—plus the good news, the not-so-good news, and everything else you need to know.

Climate Forward Twice-weekly newsletter of stories related to the climate crisis, available to New York Times subscribers.