For many of us, cooking and eating are among life’s greatest pleasures. We can eat well and have a healthy climate, but it will require us to be a little more thoughtful about our diets. Food production accounts for about 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, so we clearly need to make some changes.

The technically easiest but emotionally most difficult action is to change what you eat. Common-sense and money-saving actions to prevent food waste are easier psychologically but still require being more intentional about shopping, food preparation, and food storage.

Every time you eat a meal or even a snack, you have a chance to move a little closer to the goals you set for yourself. Learning new ways to prepare meals can be a fun adventure, as can discovering many tasty cuisines that are based around sustainable diets. With something as emotionally charged as diet, you’ll probably be most successful either starting small and building on your efforts or teaming up with friends or family members to challenge yourselves.

Eating responsibly also means considering the people producing our food. As more of our food is grown by larger corporations, local farmers need our support. And the people who plant, care for, and harvest crops deserve safe, fair working conditions. Supporting local farmers and farmworkers is an important part of creating a healthier, more sustainable food system.