ACTIONS: School Cafeteria

A school community can do a lot to promote health, wellness, and responsibility while reducing waste.

  • Reduce or eliminate the use of single-use utensils, dishes, and packaging. Use washable, durable trays, not disposable trays or dishes.
  • Install water coolers with washable glasses instead of providing individual plastic water bottles.
  • Reduce food waste with a sharing table, or collect uneaten food to distribute to students whose families can benefit from extra food. Where students don’t pay for individual items, start a campaign to encourage students to take only what they’ll eat.
  • Provide nutritious, appetizing foods that students will eat. Invite students to help choose and plan the menus.
  • Engage students in climate-friendly efforts such as Meatless Mondays, a Cafeteria Ranger program for zero waste, or planting a student garden to grow vegetables for the cafeteria.
  • Ensure there are good vegetarian and vegan options available at every meal. De-emphasize meat and cheese in meals.