ACTIONS: Energy policy

City and state policies have a tremendous influence on the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures. Governments of all sizes can also reduce their own energy use.

  • Require that utilities provide a minimum percentage of renewable energy. Increase that goal every five years.
  • Encourage utilities to develop technology that lets them use electric vehicles as battery storage, so clean energy is available even when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.
  • Provide incentives for property owners to install solar panels; pay for solar energy production.
  • Set minimum code standards that match LEED or better.
  • Conserve energy in public buildings. As in homes, schools, and other workplaces, turn off equipment when it’s not in use, and use the most energy-efficient equipment available.
  • Lead by example: install solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy systems in public buildings.
  • Ensure that energy-related financial support is most available to people with the least income. Keep in mind that tax incentives typically benefit people with higher incomes.