ACTIONS: Walk, bike, and roll!

The more we move using our own power, the more climate-friendly our transportation.

Nearly half (46%) of daily trips are three miles or shorter. For most people, that’s an hour to walk or to roll in a wheelchair, or about a twenty-minute bike ride.

  • Walk or bike to work or school! You’re more likely to get there feeling energized and ready for the day—and you don’t have to worry about getting stuck in traffic. Test your route on a weekend when you can take your time to find the best way.
  • Get creative. Can you use a handcart to haul groceries or garden supplies? Kayak to work? Add a child seat to your bicycle? There are many ways to get yourself and whomever/whatever you’re taking with you to your destination.
  • Learn about resources for biking in your home city and state. Visit League of American Cyclists, People for Bikes, or type “bike map” with the city name in your browser.

Go Further

  • Advocate for sidewalks, pedestrian-friendly signal timing, and lower speed limits to make it safer and more comfortable for people to walk.
  • Learn about Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, and demand that your local governments comply.
  • Support zoning that promotes walkable communities so that people can walk to the grocery store, movie theater, school, work, doctor’s office, bank, church, library, community centers, park, and other daily destinations.
  • Learn about and join efforts to make it safer and easier to walk at
  • Support efforts to reduce violence, police harassment, and hate crimes to make walking safe and comfortable for people of color, LGBTQ folks, and people who don’t have housing.
  • Let city, county, and state officials know that you want safe biking infrastructure.