ACTIONS: Choose plant-based proteins

Hamburgers or black beans for dinner? Producing beef emits 20 times the emissions as producing beans, per gram of protein. Factory farms, which produce most of the meat available in the United States, not only release harmful emissions but create waste that pollutes our water, land, and air. They also create unhealthy, stressful, and sometimes deadly conditions for workers.

To meet climate targets, we must shift our diets from meat toward plant-based foods. Even if you’re not prepared to adopt a vegan diet, you can probably find meat-free meals that delight you.

  • Eat little or no meat, especially meat from ruminants such as cows, goats, and sheep (lambs).
  • Choose proteins with as little processing as possible, such as tofu, beans, tempeh, seitan, and nuts. Highly processed meat substitutes can be less nutritious and more carbon-intensive.
  • When you do eat meat, choose cuts from animals who have been raised responsibly. For a helpful guide, see
  • Start the transition by participating in Meat-free Mondays, or by planning one meal a day that is meat-free.

Go Further

  • Support incentives for ranchers to graze cattle in a way that promotes soil health and carbon retention. Studies have shown that raising cattle can actually result in a net carbon decrease when cattle rotate infrequently through thoughtfully grown pasture.